Peter D Demarest, President & CEO


Position: President & CEO


Since his early teens, selling skincare products, Burpee Seeds, and lawn care services door-to-door, Peter has been a student of the successful mind. His path has taken many twists and turns across the peaks and valleys of life. After serving in the U.S. Navy Submarine Service, most of his “first-life” career was spent in the information technology industry. He held a variety of positions, from geek to guru and from grunt to general, in both the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds.

In the early 2000s, as his late wife was battling breast cancer, he made a complete career transition to follow his passion for bringing greater meaning, purpose, and power to his own life and the lives of others. He coached hundreds of people, including doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, CPAs, and the managers and executives of numerous organizations, small and large.

Through research and development, he recognized the amazing connection between axiology (value science) and neuroscience (brain science) and spent more than 15 years researching, developing, and testing this new technology. Today, he and the Axiogenics team are considered the world’s leading pioneers in the field of applied neuro-axiology.

As a coach, facilitator, consultant, trainer, and speaker, he and his partners are bringing the message of “The Central Question” and the power of neuro-axiology to people and organizations worldwide. He has been a featured speaker for numerous international organizations and associations and is consistently rated one of the best. The World Business and Executive Coaches Summit (WBECS) has recognized him as one of the top coaching thought leaders in the world.

Peter also serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Robert S. Hartman Institute for Formal and Applied Axiology.